Wednesday, February 29, 2012

More snow

This is what I saw when I opened my door this morning. Don't worry, it had mostly melted except some random ice and big piles of snow where people had dumped it by the time I went home.

The tree in front of my apartment looked kind of neat.

The roads were pretty much just giant mud puddles I had to leap through when crossing the street and avoid spray streams from cars. I only had to walk halfway to work though in the morning because someone I work with saw me when they were pulling out of a parking lot and gave me a ride the rest of the way since it was snowing.

I bought some special candy at the store that they made for the Hina-Matsuri, it's all very pretty and in three colors. My next poster will be themed with that too which I will hopefully finish tomorrow. Of course I can't eat it because I am trying to avoid sweets for lent but since it's just sugar hopefully it will still be good in a month. The little three colored cakes were really pretty too. Naturally this is a festival I have a particular fondness for because it is a DOLL festival, and a day for little girls. They have dolls which represent the imperial court and which are unique and lovely in their own right.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Window Display

I cleaned my room a little during the weekend but it still looks horrible. More will be done next weekend perhaps before it starts getting warmer. Today in the window of a store on the way home from work I really liked the window display so I took a picture. There are several stores that always seem to have fantastic displays. There is also a western wedding dress store that usually has some beautiful and interesting dresses. I will start taking some pictures so I can borrow their design ideas to make cute things for my dolls.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Naughty Children

Things children have done in my class in the past year they should not have:

Bitten me hard enough to leave a mark,
peed on me,
peed on the floor,
drawn on my cards/the wall,
ripped my props,
laid on top of the cards so I can't get them,
stuck marbles and other small things in their mouths,
hidden things in their clothes,
pulled things off the wall,
leaped off of chairs or tables,
tried to pull things with heavy things on top,
tried to convince me to give them my props,
called me kuso baba,
called me a narcissist,
called me a rabbitpigdragon (aka an aardvark),
played video games in class,
read comics in class,
stood on their chairs,
suggested Hugh Jackman is my lover after sneaking into my bag and pulling out his picture which was on the top of a stack of celebrity photos I was using for another class,
finding some way to make a perverted comment about every card I have,
stood on the tables,
smacked me on the butt (four-five year old girls seem to think this is amusing),
pulled out my hair,
jumped onto my shoulders and not gotten off for the entire lesson,
hidden under the table for the entire lesson,
stole my markers and used them to draw pictures of rabbits instead of doing their lesson,
spit on their fingers and rubbed it into my pants,
picked their nose and rubbed it onto my pants,
licked or bitten my props,
spent the entire class crying,
thrown things at me,
hit me repeatedly with a toy hammer,
made me wipe their butts because "I don't want to because it's stinky."
Thrown my things around the room while yelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY."
Called me a pervert when I followed them to the bathroom to make sure they didn't need help because they forgot to shut the door to the stall,
and many more I'm not thinking of at the moment.

But today was special, my naughtiest five/six year old boy decided to pull down his pants and wave his thing at me and the two little girls in the class.

Don't get me wrong, they do cute things sometimes too.

Going to try to give up chocolate for lent. Tried balsamic vinegar Pringles today. Not bad.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nothing Special

Nothing special happened today. I found out that if I bend leon's arm the right way it'll hit this little thing that lets you pose it against his chest. It scared me since it made a snapping sound. I left the door open while I turned on the shower and it was getting hot and the steam pouring out of the door set off the fire alarm. It made me feel pretty stupid. I'm tired. It's ash Wednesday now since it just hit midnight here so I will try to properly reflect on things tonight.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


We ordered pizza from pizza hut. The one on the bottom is mine, it's mushroom. Ducky got 1/2 of a sort of combination supreme pizza and the other half is Korean barbecue. With long thin pieces of hot pepper and a mayonnaise sauce rather than a tomato sauce. The sauce packet that came with it was green chili sauce and made me think of eating Mexican food.

Leon is visiting his friends.

Monster Hunter keychain

This monster hunter key chain came with my apple juice I got yesterday. Cute.

I've been living in Japan for one year now.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Hug me

Have you gotten a hug today? It's an important part of a balanced diet.

What am I thinking of?

What am I thinking of at the moment I wonder?


Casting shadows on the wall.

I can only think that I love YOU.

I miss you.

To Dad: Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Strawberry Chococo

The table is the perfect height to make a bench for Leon...

Today they had strawberry and lemon chococo cookies. I like the regular ones. I got the strawberry and Ducky let me try a white chocolate/lemon one. They are very strongly strawberry and very strongly lemon. But good if you like the flavor. I do like seasonal flavors for sweets and everything else but it means I eat too much of them.

The little green thing on the left is a prize I got with some sour cream and onion pringles. You poke swords into the barrel until the pringles can pops out. Not so fun, I'll probably throw it away.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

It's officially valentine's day where I am so for all those I love... How to bake a chocolate cake.

Happy Valentine's Day. (Actual mini-tart made by Ducky, not me).

Monday, February 13, 2012

Visiting Friends

Yesterday I made Leon an apron and bandanna so he could do super fun cooking time. Give chocolate to those you love on this special day.

This is my neighbor Lorelei. She is a luts super senior Mia. She sure makes Leon look tiny when they stand next to each other. Just wait until you see him next to her other doll since he's even taller! That will wait until he gets a wig though since I feel sad to take pictures of him bald.

When I take pictures with the flash you can see that she actually has red eyes.

Sitting down together makes her seem less tall. Leon has a nice big sister.

What's this empty plate? Aren't you going to do anything for Valentine's Day?

On a happy note I found green tea kit kats in the store today. I haven't seen them in a while so I was a bit happy. They are pretty good.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Today when I went to the hundred yen store I found these little tables and chairs in the gardening section. I thought they might be a bit small for leon and my fears were correct. It's kind of suitable for the flowers though. I'll probably have to toss the flowers out in a couple days, they are starting to look rather poor. Either way it only cost me 200 yen (about $2).

Another Poster and Snow

It snowed again today. It has been doing this all month. Just enough snow to cover the ground but then the streets are clear by the time I go home from work.

These pictures were taken in front of my apartment. The first looking down from the stairs and the second the street in front of it.

I made a new poster. Hansel and Gretel themed.

Hanging out on my bookshelf.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Here are some of the posters I have been doing for the entrance. Forgive the crappy photos taken with my cell phone. The characters are all from the original story books published by my company.

The Halloween poster. I like this one the best of the ones I have done so far. Unfortunately many I have made have been thrown away already so I won't be able to post pictures for you.

December/January poster.

February poster. Peter Pig drops out of school to become a patisserie. His siblings are due to graduate next month.

And finally...Leon. It's cold outside so he's wearing his coat and hat and scarf. Of course I don't think it'll really work since he's wearing shorts.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Delicious Pet

Every time I walk by the store with these wallets for little girls I look for this bag because it makes me a little sad. This is why you should be careful writing things in foreign languages. Delicious pet. My favorite sweet. I finally caved and bought the bag just because it makes me feel strange. But it has a fluffy dog on it as a bonus.

I also bought some Rilakkuma stamps to stamp my things with and my students' things with. I just like Rilakkuma. Relax.

This post gets an NG from Leon. No good.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Here he is leaning forward to ponder something interesting.

I started my first attempt at making clothing! The vest looks pretty terrible but I learned a lot in the process. Like I want a sewing machine and it's harder than it looks to make patterns... I knitted the little scarf rabbit-pig is wearing too. :D Learning to knit has been fun but also hard. I want to learn to do sweaters and more complicated things than scarves.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Here's Leon with my big rabbit-pig. Oh wow he got bigger! Today was work. Now it's time to relax and watch korean dramas with Leon. Currently watching: Wild Romance.

Monday, February 6, 2012


I wanted to post more pictures of my darling Leon. You can expect a lot in the future. I love him dearly. For those who are curious where I got him he is a Luts kid delf and his sculpt is bory.

Here's a picture of him I took right after I got him around Christmas.

He still has his cute rabbitpig taken from the drama You're Beautiful. XD I have a big version that I sleep with myself.

He's so cute.

Here's a wig I got for him from Dream of Doll. So that he could look like a lion.

Another wig I got from luts....he looks like a girl in this one. It's his princess wig.

My friend Stephanie got a really bright teal wig for her luts senior girl. The pigtails on the wig apparently clip off and Leon was feeling silly so he put them on.

He does have some jeans and sneakers he can wear around too. :)

This picture looks like a heart so I like it. Leon says, "I love you."

Flower Arrangements

Here are pictures from my flower arrangement class yesterday.

The first arrangement. Valentine's day themed.

The second arrangement. Making an L shape.

Hello hello.

For Christmas I got my lovely doll whom I named Leon. I have been taking pictures of him with the flowers from my flower arrangement class yesterday. Somehow I think they kind of suit him. Here he is hiding in the shadow of the flowers.