I love dogs, drawing, ball-jointed dolls. Flower pictures were all arrangements done by me using flowers from when I was taking flower arrangement classes when I lived in Japan. Currently I live in North Carolina.
Since the weather is nice today I took some more pictures of Yoshi. That glowing cream white skin of sooms is growing on me. He really likes having his hand up for some reason but I just kind of let him. He also wants his head to be looking at the ground...
Also last week it started pouring rain as I was walking home from work. I was dripping wet and so were all the papers in my bag and this little guy was stuck to the ceiling right in front of my door hiding from the rain too.
Ok this is probably super silly but I was really excited that I got him to balance on one leg. I have tried before and gotten him to do it once but this time I jokingly tried to do it in a post with his arms flailed out and he held it. And even let me move his arms down to his side where the weight is less balanced as in the picture above. He wouldn't let me move the head down though. Oh well. Sorry for blurry badly lit photos. I was super worried he was going to fall the whole time haha. And here I am playing with my dolls in the middle of the night when I should be asleep.
Oh wow this made me too excited. My doorbell rang and I was like...oh no another adorable advertiser I am going to make feel awkward when I don't speak Japanese. But it wasn't. My flower arrangement school sent me a flower for my birthday and had it delivered to my door! It's three days late but they have been on vacation I know. And actually it's my sisters birthday (Happy birthday Jaime). It made me super happy. Leon is modeling the flower because he was the only one that had a wig on at the moment.
I'm not surprised they knew it was my birthday though. My workplace ordered a big bouquet for me for my birthday from my flower arrangement school. I divided the flowers from it into warm and cool colors. They are almost dead now. I neglected to take pictures in the daytime so all you have are the ones taken in my apartment's horrible horrible lighting at night. I'm really happy because I admire both my teacher and his mother a lot, they are both so talented!
I took a couple pictures of Yoshi today. I wanted to show the tiny cranes one of my students made for me. Well I made the two grey ones because she wanted me to try it too. I took a couple pictures with Angela and Leon too. :)
I also took a whole bunch of pictures when I opened then but I had only posted them on Den of Angels. You can see box opening thread here: BOX OPENING THREAD. Or if you don't have Den of Angels you can just look through the pictures on photobucket.
Here's a family shot where you can see where I tried on the hooves. He's super loose with the regular legs on so I either need to put the hooves back on or restring his legs.
Also a picture without his wig.
Last Saturday was the Matsumoto Bon Bon festival which means the entire city was filled with people dancing the same dance to the same song. This festival is super charming and the song gets stuck in your head. The little kids were the cutest. My little video camera's battery was almost dead but I managed to get like seven minutes worth of video before it died completely. Which means you get some of the normal dancing from when I stopped for a minute so the camera isn't swaying but not the crazy girls doing modern dance hilarity to English pop/rap up on the stage.
In other news, my little elf shipped which means he will be here in time for my birthday on the 13th. I'm super excited even though I haven't ordered either of the wigs I was thinking of for him yet...not like I don't have a ton lying around he can wear anyway. XD
Since his name is Yoshiki and I keep calling him Yoshi I bought him a little Yoshi plushie....
Tomorrow is the bonbon festival. My easy week of only a few classes a week is over which is a pity because I was having fun drawing posters and songs. I drew some pretty funny little bunny foo foo visuals but forgot to whip out my handy dandy cellphone to take pictures of them.
I drew two posters.
The first poster was based off the song six little ducks. There are five on the bottom and one in the top right corner. Mostly every time I see kindergartners walking around after their teachers they look like little ducks to me.
The second poster was beauty and the beast themed...this one is for Thanksgiving.