I love dogs, drawing, ball-jointed dolls. Flower pictures were all arrangements done by me using flowers from when I was taking flower arrangement classes when I lived in Japan. Currently I live in North Carolina.
I haven't posted much while I was taking classes. Leon sat next to me while I was working on my really long paper and kept me company haha. It's summertime so I am looking forward to working on some art projects, including trying to repaint my practice head and maybe paint my other blank head as well. I still want to get him a body at some point, I feel sad for him. I may try to sculpt my own doll of some kind as well.
Someone on den of angels requested pictures of her posing and I got a little too into it and took about 200 pictures... I did all the poses I could think of at the moment. I forgot to take one of her on her knees in seiza, she CAN sit that way although there are large gaps in the knees since they are not double jointed. If anyone thinks of any poses to add let me know and I'll go for it. She has not been sueded or restrung, and she does not have kips. I only did poses she will easily hold and did not try to do any balancing games with her (for example standing on one leg or bending over far while standing is difficult for her). I only adjusted the colors for the first image...there were just too many to do them all quickly.
Some notes about posing:
-Her head can look up more on the left than the right. Compared to my soom doll the head has way more of a range of motion.
-The arms pose really well but the shoulders have problems holding the arms at certain angles, if you add a kip into the shoulder it helps a lot, I did that with my kdelf boy. My soom doll comparatively has a lot of trouble with his arms posing because the elbow joint is terrible.
-The girls pose a little better than the boys because they have an extra swivel joint at the top of the thighs. It also takes me a couple seconds longer to balance them standing because of this, one more thing to adjust.
-Her arm CAN reach up to touch her face. I forgot to take any pictures where the elbow piece snaps out to bend her arm in more.