Here's my "lucky" little doll that came this morning. Her name is Angela. I took lots of pictures. I would love advice for what eyes I should get her. I think I will use the cream colored wig even though I really wanted to use the red one. I'm still not sure what color I want her eyes. Most of the eyes I have lying around are 16mm so the only ones that don't look huge in her are her default eyes which are pink and the green eyes I bought for another incoming dolly.
She has some some bubble holes inside her head, a single fleck of dirt caught in her makeup, and some unpleasant scratches on her knee but is otherwise unharmed. I also ordered four pairs of hands and a pair of heel feet so I had a lot to unwrap.

The green eyes I ordered from dollshe came on the exact same day. I ordered them a little over a week ago so that was something happy. Angela I ordered June 4th so she came pretty fast too!

My lovely Leon sitting on the boxes and waiting for her to come out.

The dollshe eyes are super pretty.

Bubble can see her default eyes are pink and have little swirls in them. They are actually quite pretty.

Her little face with no wig.

From the side.

I picked her up and set her down and she stood with no problems immediately.
Playing with wigs:

With clothing.

Event head...I rather like it.


Her head is much smaller than Leon's (bory). Her wigs want to pop off while his fit perfectly even with the silicone cap under it.

Borrowing another doll's eyes. Crooked...sorry. I didn't want to leave them in long since the default putty is sculpy and I've heard that can do bad things to urethane.

I really wanted to use this's such a pretty color.

The wig I ordered with her has clip on pigtails, I knew it would come like this since my friend bought a wig in a similar style from luts and planned to not use them from the start.

This is how she will stay for now...only the cream color really looks right with this makeup.