Sunday, July 1, 2012

July is for Roses

Today the theme in my flower arrangement class was supposed to be England but I couldn't think of anything awesome to bring for props. But the flowers today are ROSES. I have a couple dozen roses of various types and some other flowers now adorning my apartment and it smells awesome.

Leon is surrounded by the brighter of my roses. It's rainy today so the lighting is not the best, if it's sunny tomorrow I'll try and take some more of him with the flowers.

With some of the pale flowers. Looking out the window instead of at the camera.

Admiring the pale peach rose.

The flowers look really different in the natural lighting from my glass doors than they do in the building don't they?

Here's the entire three person arrangement, done as a three person team.

Here's one of the ones I did. Feeling pastel.

And the other I did. Bright to contrast the pastel. Cute little policeman is someone else's.

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