Monday, May 28, 2012

Matsumoto Craft Festival

Yesterday I went to the craft festival in Matsumoto. It reminds me of the art fairs in America I used to go to. I took some pictures with my cell phone so you could see some of the stranger art pieces. Mostly there was pottery though or wooden bowls and toys.

These are made of metal and are really neat. He had a sign on his table saying Nozomu Shibata- Hope Metal Craft in English. :)

This guy took real rocks and inserted things inside them like tiny cities and eyes and the weirdest one I saw was this one...which has a set of teeth in it. O:

There were all kinds of little animals made with what looked like real woven wool/fur of some kind. Some of them were life sized

There was a blacksmith actually working in a little tent, it was very neat.

Here's some of the blacksmith's work.

I really liked this one. There were thousands of little tiny animals doing various things. Some of them were going up a staircase taller than I am, but I liked the one with the little submarine thing.

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